Manufacturer Center

What Manufacturers Need to Know On Google

The majority of my corporate career was spent directly working for manufacturers. In my experience, it was always difficult to get CONSISTENT marketing information from us, the manufacturer, down to our wholesale partners, contractors, and end users.

Product information would often be abbreviated, missing key information or had a life of its own and didn’t resemble any of our well thought out selling points.

Let’s tackle this obstacle with the help of Google!

What is Google’s Manufacturer Center?

It’s a free platform that allows you to provide more accurate information about your products for use in Google Shopping Ads and other Google services.

What are the requirements for the Manufacturer Center?

  1. Only manufacturers can set up a Manufacturer Center account. Google defines manufacturers as brand manufacturers, brand owners, or retailers of own-brand products who both manufacture products and own the licensing rights. The Manufacturer Center is not available to retailers who sell products exclusively from other manufacturers

  2. Products must have GTINs,  UPCs, or ISBNs.

What will we need from you?

  • Product information - ID, brand name, product title, GTIN (or UPC/ISBNs), product descriptions, and image links. Whether you need help enriching and optimizing your product titles and descriptions or need assistance with more robust product photos, we have you covered!

The Benefits:

Once your product data feed is complete and uploaded, the Google Manufacturer Center channels the library of data to your company’s distributors who can utilize the new data in their Google Shopping campaigns.

As the manufacturer, you will be able to access product analytics: view impressions and click-throughs as well as compare your products to others in similar categories.

For Google’s full Program and Policy Requirements.