
Making a (Twitter) List and Checking it Twice

Are you a making list and checking it twice? No, I’m not talking about your naughty and nice list. I’m talking about Twitter Lists.

Twitter lists are buckets for your followers (or accounts you’d like to follow without actually following). With roughly 288 million monthly active users, it may be hard to connect with the right people through all the “noise”. Lists are a great way to get organized and sort accounts into manageable groups.

Examples of some buckets/lists for your business may be industry leaders, news/blogs, current customers, and even customer prospects. You can set lists to public for other Twitter users to subscribe to or keep them private for your eyes only.

How do I add someone to a Twitter List, you may ask? Here’s how…

  1. Log into your Twitter account and find someone you are interested in engaging with, go to their profile page

  2. Click the gear icon near the follow button and click “Add or remove from lists”

  3. THE END!

As of December of 2019, Twitter has launched two new features to make Twitter lists even better! “You’re able to share them with a card on Twitter for iOS and Android.” and “When creating or adding people to a list on iOS, you’ll see suggested accounts to add based on the list’s title or who's already on it.”

The Importance of the Hashtag

If you are a relative newbie to social media you may be asking yourself, what is the story behind the word(s) following the # symbol? If you read # as "pound", this blog was especially written with you in mind.

When I first wrote this post in 2015, it was specifically for Twitter, but since then social media networking sites have evolved and you can find hashtags across most social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. You may even notice hashtags on the corner of your TV screen while watching your favorite shows in order to build engagement on social media.

# (or Hashtag) is more than just a silly thing all the kids are doing nowadays, it's an important element of your business's social media strategy and here's why!

Hashtags are a great search tool - Did you know clicking on a hyperlinked hashtag is similar to using Google search but within the social media platform you are using? Incorporating appropriate hashtags to your content helps broaden your visibility to people who may not be following you, but are exploring the hashtag. 

Using hashtags is also a great way to promote a trade show or event. Most trade shows have an official hashtag. Be sure to incorporate them to increase visibility and impressions on your posts, you may even gain new followers!

Hashtags can be branding gold (sometimes). When used right, including a hashtag in an advertisement or campaign can be the perfect addition to your creatives. Here’s several examples of what NOT to do.

Looking to perfect your branding hashtag or expand your visibility with hashtags? Let’s get started!