Abandon Cart

Getting Customers to Commit with Abandon Cart Emails

Don’t we all wish our customers were like penguins? Falling in love and committing to our products and services, never leaving us. I know I’d love for each one of you reading this blog to fall in love with my services and choose me as your lifelong marketing guru, but I digress….

Getting your customers to commit to your products once they’ve found your website, researched products, and added it to their cart can be easier with the right follow up.

I dare to speak for all of us when I say, we’ve all added more to our shopping cart than we intend to buy. Our wish list of things that at the moment would make us so happy, but maybe not our wallets. We often leave the cart without buying a single thing. Enter abandoned cart emails.

Abandoned cart emails are sent to customers who ALMOST made a purchase in hopes to encourage them to complete their transaction. Can you believe only 19% of even the top 1,000 ecommerce websites have any kind of abandonment recovery? Half of frequent cart abandoners will purchase when hit with remarketing.

Does your website have remarketing abandoned cart emails set up? Let’s get your customers back.