Blogging and Its SEO Benefits

Whether you ask Siri, Alexa, or type in your search words in the good ol’ fashioned Google, you are benefiting from search engine optimization, SEO for short.

One way to boost your SEO quality is through blogs. Blog posts can utilize a variety of on-page SEO methods that can increase your chances to rank in search engines and get customers to your website.

The criteria and best-practices for SEO are constantly changing: Google Panda, Google Penguin, Google Hummingbird, Google Pigeon, Google Mobilegeddon (let’s skip ahead here) and now Google Medic Update (PHEW!) are just a few of the latest Google Algorithm changes.

Let’s set up a meeting to brainstorm blog topics that will benefit your business most, get you in front of your target customer and improve your page ranking on Google.